Binkha / bincha = thy son, your son = בנך
Ben = son; son of בנvenai = the sons of בני
Benai = children of = sons of
Beni = my son בני
Banav = his sons (pl)
Beno = his son (s)
Banim = sons or sons of
This is place to learn some simple Hebrew language help you to read the Hebrew scriptures, fellowship among your Jewish community and appreciate the Hebraic roots of Messianic faith
Binkha / bincha = thy son, your son = בנך
Ben = son; son of בנvenai = the sons of בני
Benai = children of = sons of
Beni = my son בני
Banav = his sons (pl)
Beno = his son (s)
Banim = sons or sons of